Sarah Betzer
Professor, Art History
Department of Art
Modern European Art; Art Historical Theory and Methods
Roger Chevalier
Emeritus Professor
Department of Astronomy
Christa Dierksheide
Associate Professor
Jefferson Scholars Foundation Professor
Corcoran Department of History
Early Republic; Slavery and Race; Empire and State Formation; Public History
Daniel Ehnbom
Professor Emeritus, Art History
Department of Art
South Asian Art; Indian Painting and Architecture
Howard E. Epstein
Sidman P. Poole Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
Ecosystem and Community Ecology; Grassland, Shrubland and Tundra Ecosystems; Field Studies, Remote Sensing and Simulation Modeling
Tessa Farmer
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Global Studies
Department of Anthropology
Water and Wastewater in Egypt; Charitable Water Fountains
Renee Gondek
Content Director
Hanover Research
Affiliated with
Greek Vases of the 6th and 5th c. BCE
Adriana Greci-Green
Curator of Indigenous Art of the Americas
Fralin Museum of Art
Native American Art History; 18th-20th c. American Indian Histories
Fiona Greenland
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Cultural Sociology; Sociology of Art; Historical and Comparative Methods; Social Theory; Archaeology
Ethan Gruber
Director of Data Science
American Numismatic Society
Affiliated with
Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Web Development; Knowledge Engineering
Kate Harrell
Project Manager
Conflict Observatory, U.S. Department of State
Aegean Prehistory; Cultural Heritage Protection
Abigail Holeman
Academic Program Manager
Undergraduate Academic Programs and Administration
Archaeology of the US Southwest and Mexican Northwest
Andrew Johnston
Associate Professor, Architectural History
Director, University of Virginia Program in Historic Preservation
Cultural Resource Management; Historical Archaeology
Meg Kennedy
Curator of Material Culture
Mary and David Harrison Institute for American History, Literature, and Culture
UVA Library
18th and 19th c. American Social History; Preservation and Interpretation of Material Culture
Olanrewaju Lasisi
Mellon Race, Place, and Equity Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Architectural History
West Africa; Astronomy, Architecture, Ritual, and Power in Yoruba Cultural Landscape
M. Jordan Love
Carol R. Angle Academic Curator and Co-Interim Director
Education Department, Fralin Museum of Art
Medieval Art and Architecture
Stephen A. Macko
Department of Environmental Sciences
Fossil Materials; Fossil Fuel Origin and Migration; Resolution of Diet in Early Humans
Worthy Martin
Associate Professor, Computer Science
UVA School of Engineering and Applied Science
Acting Director
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
Computer Vision; Human Vision; Robotics; Genetic Algorithms; Image Databases; Artificial Intelligence
Karim Mata
Adjunct Lecturer
Department of Anthropology
European Iron Age; Roman Empire; Early Medieval Period; Cultural Entanglement
Elizabeth Meyer
T. Cary Johnson, Jr. Professor of History
Corcoran Department of History
Greek and Roman Political and Social History
Fraser Neiman
Director of Archaeology
Lecturer, Archaeology
Department of Art
Archaeology of Slave Societies in the Chesapeake and Caribbean
Louis Nelson
Professor, Architectural History
School of Architecture
Vice Provost, Academic Outreach
Built Environments of the Early Modern Atlantic World
Susan Palazzo
Rivanna Archaeological Services
Zooarchaeology; Foodways; Faunal Analysis; Disease Ecology
Guilia Paoletti
Assistant Professor, Art History
Department of Art
19th and 20th c. African Art; Early Histories of Photography in West Africa
Sean Reid
Postdoctoral Fellow
Engagements Program
Societal and Environmental Transformation of Atlantic West Africa; Landscape Archaeology
Will Rourk
3D Technologies Specialist
Scholars’ Lab, UVA Library
Affiliated Faculty, Historic Preservation Program
Department of Architecture
3D Modeling; 3D Cultural Heritage Informatics; Historic Preservation; Photogrammetry; GIS
Margo Smith
Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection
Aboriginal Art
Abigail Staub
PhD Student, Interdepartmental Program in Mediterranean Art & Archaeology
University of Michigan
Liminal Identities in the Roman World; Personal Religion; Materiality of Domestic Space
Leah Sterns
Database and Intellectual Properties Manager
University of Virginia Press
3D Modeling; Digital Collections; Architectural History
Lucie Stylianopoulos
Research Librarian for Art, Archaeology, and Indigenous Studies
UVA Library
Material Culture and Movement; Mediterranean Archaeology; Siouan Archaeology
Claire Weiss
Office Manager
ORB International
Roman Archaeology; Urbanism
Dan Weiss
Visual Resources Center, Department of Art
Archaeology and History of the Danube Valley; Classical Reception and Identity in the Carpathian Region
Dorothy Wong
Professor, Art History
Department of Art
East Asia Center
Buddhist Art of China; Miraculous Images
Michael Zerjadtke
Feodor Lynen Fellow
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Ancient Warfare and Armor; Experimental Archaeology