Careers in Archaeology
Interested in a career in archaeology?
From museum work to cultural resource management, a degree in archaeology prepares you for a wide variety of careers. You can search for jobs using any of the resources below:
- American Cultural Resources Association: job listings in the field of cultural resource management
- Anthropology Careers & Employment: anthropology and archaeology positions in academia, museums, and the private sector
- Association for Preservation Technology International: jobs in historic preservation
- Chronicle of Higher Education: job listings in academia and museum studies
- Conservation Legacy: local conservation programs and job opportunities with organizations including the Appalachian Conservation Corps, Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps, Southwest Conservation Corps, and more
- National Council on Public History: listings for jobs in the public history profession including museums, historical societies, archives, libraries, and more
- National Trust for Historic Preservation: job postings for the preservation of America's historic sites
- PreserveNet: job listings in the field of historic preservation
- Register of Professional Archaeologists: online community of professional archaeologists with resources for job searches, field school certifications, and continuing education
- ShovelBums: the world's largest provider of jobs in archaeology, academia, and cultural resource management
- Society for American Archaeology: job listings for archaeologists, historians, and cultural resource management professionals
- USA Jobs: the official website for jobs in the US government including the National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Bureau of Land Management, and more
For general information on careers in archaeology, see these resources from the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) and the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA).